AsiaHaptics 2020 Special Online Workshop
AsiaHaptics 2020 Special Online Workshop was successfully held online on November 9, 2020. The workshop was hosted by Beihang University, China, and co-hosted by Beijing Society of Image and Graphics and State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems. More than 7000 scholars and researchers watched the live broadcast. The online workshop lasted about 3 hours and consisted of four sessions.
Session 1: Welcome Session
General Chair of the conference, Professor Dangxiao Wang, Beihang University, delivered the welcome message and opening remarks.
Session2: Keynote Speech Session
Professor Etienne Burdet, Imperial College London, UK, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Haptic communication in humans and with robots" (presided over by Professor Jee-Hwan Ryu, Korean Advanced Institute of science and Technology); Professor Masahiko Inami, University of Tokyo, Japan, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Virtual cyborg: beyond human limits" (presided over by Professor Hiroyuki kajimoto, University of Electro-Communications, Japan); Professor Edward Colgate, Northwestern University, USA, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Toward tools for tactile texture" (presided over by Professor Aiguo Song, Southeast University, China).
Session 3: Student Innovation Challenge Session
The selected demonstrations from Student Innovation Challenge were presented. Dr. Chun Yu, Tsinghua University, China, announced the winning teams. "A virtual reality upper-limb strength training platform with haptic feedback" from Southeast University, China, won the first prize; "OmniSurge: a versatile haptic-enabled wearable interface for efficient virtual training and real robot-assisted surgery" from Kyoto University, Japan, won the honorary award; "DexLink: bimanual haptics for virtual reality" from Jilin university, China, won the honor award.
Session 4: Closing Session
Prof. Qian Liu, Dalian University of Technology, China, delivered the closing remarks. Due to COVID-19, the onsite conference of AsiaHaptics 2020 will be postponed until November, 2022.
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